Reporter: Today, you said you had tons of schedules again?
Sungjong: Ah, I’m hungry. We filmed Mnet from yesterday night to this morning, and until now (7PM), we couldn’t even eat lunch because of another schedule. I’m really hungry.
Reporter: That’s why you’re so skinny! Your waist size is 25? Or was it 26? Female idols must feel out of place.
Sungjong: Haha. I just take a bit of care of myself.
Reporter: Even your skin looks like china? Earlier, all of your hyungs said they were envious of Sungjong’s skin.
Sungjong: Thank you! That’s because I’m the youngest. I don’t even have special care for it!
Reporter: Haha. You must be exhausted, but it seems very clear and bright!
Sungjong: Thank you! I am tired, but because I’m doing what I want to do, I do my best to have strength.
Reporter: Even so, when I see you during shootings, you’re very manly? You’re also sexy. You really looked different.
Sungjong: Thank you! I think it was because it was a concept where I had to show a manly image, they directed me that way. It’s thanks to the photographer who handled me well.
Reporter: Hahaha. Why do you keep thanking me like this! Anyway, when watching this reality show Infinite appears in, it seems like the hyungs tease and harass maknae Sungjong a lot. Did it get better these days?
Sungjong: It was a bit scary during our trainee days, but now, well, I’m a lot more comfortable.
Reporter: Even earlier, I got the information that you were sulky because of Sunggyu hyung?
Sungjong: We’re all really tired. Because he’s the leader, Sunggyu hyung does a lot of jokes to lift up the mood. But I’m also a human-being, so there are also times when I get really angry because he takes the joke too far. There are a lot of times where this hyung doesn’t know when to stop and just keeps on teasing me. He was a bit tiring today as well. I had to be understanding with him.
Reporter: Hm, he’s like that because the maknae is so pretty.
Sungjong: Yes, it… it must be that.
Reporter: What’s the stress reliever for Infinite’s maknae?
Sungjong: Watching a very scary horror movie! I relieve my stress by watching bloodcurdling movies. Even though the hyungs can’t watch them because they’re too scared!

Reporter: You had a difficult trainee life ever since you were young, and now, after debuting, isn’t it difficult to handle all these big schedules?
Sungjong: Of course it is. But it’s still alright. Because the joy of doing what I want to do is even bigger. There are even more things Infinite wants to show and do in the future. We realize them one by one and feel a sense of accomplishment, and I want to come out more mature after doing this.
Sungyeol: Because of my sty, photoshoots are worrying. I took pills, got shots but it didn’t disappear for half a year.
Reporter: You have to rest for it to heal, with all these schedules, there’s no way it can heal!
Sungyeol: Of course. Ah, but what can I do. We have a concert soon, so there isn’t a schedule we can postpone.
Reporter: Ah, right you have a concert soon? Its title is ‘That Year’s Summer’.
L: Yep! From August 8th to the 12th, we’re having a concert for 5 days. When the tickets went on presale, the site’s server went down and it was sold out in 15 min.
Reporter: Oh! That’s amazing? Your concerts in Japan always get sold out too!
Sungyeol: Hahaha. We can only be thankful. This time, we’re meeting 10,000 spectators, and next time, we’ll have to increase even more the capacity.
Reporter: Last February, at the concert, Sungyeol & Sungjong’s ‘Troublemaker’ was a hot topic, is there anything special you prepared for this concert too?
Sungyeol: There’s something shocking, but I won’t say anything about it. I’ll only say that there’s something special that can be seen only by the people who come to the concert.
Reporter: It might be because L doesn’t talk much, but you give off a very strong cold impression!
L: It’s true that I don’t talk much, but I don’t have a cold personality. While promoting our song, there’s a concept matching the mood and the song, and if you focus on that, there can be misunderstandings.
Sungyeol: He’s actually not like that at all. He’s delicate and nice.
Reporter: Earlier I talked about that with the other members too, that they’re all single, but they all said that they didn’t want to have a girlfriend that much, is it the same for both of you?
Sungyeol: First of all, we’re so busy we don’t have any time.

L: Honestly, we don’t have enough time playing amongst ourselves, but it’s really fun.
Sungyeol: L vents his spite by watching romance manhwas, so yeah, there wouldn’t be any problems.
L: Yep! I like romance manhwas very much! These days I fell for .
Reporter: Oh my. Won’t the fans be disappointed if they learn that tough L likes romance manhwas?
Sungyeol: Our fans already know it though. They all know that we like romance manhwas and that we spend our free time watching dramas.
Reporter: Hum, anyway, even if you have a lot of schedules, are tired, and don’t have the freedom to have a girlfriend, you’re all happy right?
L: Hahaha. Of course. Firstly, it’s because we’re all in the middle of realizing our dreams one by one.
Sungyeol: We’re a bit tired but. Haha. Ah, I have to say something to Cosmo’s readers! If you’re hearing the news about our concert now, it’s already too late to buy tickets, so instead, be quick for our next concert! We really want to meet you!
trans. cr; emilie @ infinite updates | source cr; cosmopolitan ; take out with full credits
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